Watch your business grow on Google

I’ll help your website rank higher and drive more organic traffic

Hi, I’m Domantas Bepirstis

With 6+ years of hands-on experience in SEO, I’ve led successful SEO strategies for startups and established enterprises across industries like e-commerce, web hosting, construction, and data solutions.

I focus on taking care of your SEO within the broader marketing strategy. I develop data-driven SEO plans tailored to your niche and competitive landscape and guide you through each step to build a solid online presence.

What I can do for you

Keyword research

Understand what and how your audience is searching for

Knowing your audience’s search habits is the #1 step for an effective SEO strategy. I do in-depth keyword research to find terms and phrases your potential customers use. With these insights, you can align your content strategy to develop pieces that rank well, meet your audience’s needs, and drive engagement.

Website audit and optimization

Improve your site’s performance and accessibility

Your website must be easily accessible and perform well for both users and Googlebot. I conduct thorough audits to identify issues that slow down your site or hinder accessibility. Then, provide actionable steps so your team can optimize your website for a faster, more user-friendly experience, leading to higher Google rankings and more satisfied visitors.

SEO content research and writing

Create content that actually satisfies search intent

Your content has to answer what people are really looking for. I do SEO research to understand the intent behind various search queries. This helps you create content that resonates with your target audience, ranks higher, and drives targeted traffic to your site.

Off-site optimization

Improve website reputation and become a niche authority

Strengthen your online presence by becoming a trusted authority in your industry. I provide a detailed plan on the quantity and type of links you need. Then, based on your needs and budget, I execute strategic outreach to reputable sources. This improves your rankings and helps position your business as a go-to resource in your field.

Get in touch

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